Summer 2013


Quote . . . . .


"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Design is knowing which ones to keep."

-Scott Adams


Welcome. . . . .

Well... it took a while—but summer finally got here! There are lots of things in life to make you happy, but sunshine is at the top of my list. It sounds so simple, I know. I'm not a philosopher or human behaviorist, but there is definitely something about how sunlight transforms shapes, softens contours, accents the highlights, brightens a day, and just makes life better.

When designing an environment for a client, we consider shapes, dimension, accents, focus, and brightness—and how they are all reactive to, and companion with, daylight and the room's orientation. That's of course a very short list of a greater litany of criteria.



Colorful Comment . . . . .

chocolate dessert

I noticed recently, during a few meetings, how I was describing colors. Using foods as reference (I actually had a client once who told me that she loved all colors that had the same name as a food!) seemed to be a pattern.

Here are some that occur often and are good for a chuckle...

Chocolate, mocha, café au lait...okay, you get the jist of that color.

Melon, tangerine, peach, mango....wait—is that a wall color or a smoothie?

Avocado, leaf, olive, celery....could give new meaning to a 'green' project!

It would be interesting to think about how you describe color. The important thing is to have an appetite for, and live life in, color.



acocado 2



Designing Forward. . . . .

What's Happening

An absolute in my designs is that a space be designed for optimal living twelve months a year—not just from June to September. That is a lot to think about.

This week I am photographing a recent project that will burst with energy and light on your computer. Twelve months a year, every season, this room comes to life because our design works synergistically with its available natural light. I hope to have it posted on my website and across social media sometime soon. Keep you posted!



Word Scramble . . . . .



Trivia ......

leg room

The difference between Leg Room and Seat Pitch



Check out my Houzz Page . . .



Cut and Paste this link to see my new page on Houzz.




About Paula . . . . .

Paula Winter received her B.S. in Interior Design from the University of Illinois. She is an Allied Member of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) and a Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist (CAPS). Paula brings her 30+ years of professional design experience, as well as her originality and knowledge, to Paula Winter Design, Ltd. A love of artistic expression has led her to compliment her interior design skills with such varied creative venues as clothing design, ceramics, photography, and jewelry. Paula prides herself on bringing freshness, creativity, and extended experience to every project. She is approachable, compassionate, and regards her clients as full partners in the design process. By doing this, clients realize their goals while ensuring the resulting space is functional, beautiful, and uniquely expressive.



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©2013 Paula Winter Design, Ltd. | Highland Park, IL 60035